太陽國生活雜記 Her reading nook by Hi Im Vicky. 2019-01-11 2019-01-11 139 She made a reading nook after kindergarten. Just perfect size for the little one. Calm and cozy. I wish I could have this kind of place by my own. Nana幼稚園回來,就自己安頓了一個看書的小角落,小小的秘密基地裡,有說不出的寧靜與舒適,看著她全神貫注,沈浸書香的小臉,我羨慕起她擁有這樣的美好時光。 夕陽餘暉,小小的她在她自己餓小空間裡,獨自明亮光彩! 很想知道,她腦袋瓜裡的書中世界,有著麼樣的劇情? 0 留言 0 Facebook 上一篇 我們家的精神糧食 下一篇 取捨與得失之間 相關文章 年末近況 2024-12-15 箱根家族小旅行 2024-11-21 Self-qua... 2020-04-16 Self-qua... 2020-04-14 Self-qua... 2020-04-12 Self-qua... 2020-04-10 In these... 2020-04-09 Nana 小學入... 2020-04-06 Stay at ... 2020-04-05 Break 2020-03-30 請留言 取消回覆 Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ