那天看美國脫口秀主持人Ellen致電給前美國第一夫人Michelle Obama,她的一番話我極為認同,我更感謝Michelle和Ellen試著讓這個世界變得更好,Michelle表示:『We try to keep routine. This is like no other time in history. Particularly for our kids , who are so used to be occupied be so estimated all the time. …….You know there is good and bad………
For positive side now we are seat down with each other and have really conversation, really ask questions and figure out how to keep ourselves occupied without just TV or computers. It’s a good exsercise to remind us we just don’t need a lot of stuffs we have. when time is back have each other , having each other we can do with a lot of less. I think that is an important lesson that I want my kids to understand. Get out there in the world, be grateful for what you have and be ready to share it when the time comes. That is really what all about. Now we just happy we together , everybody is healthy and safe , who cares the other stuffs. …………..』